• keeping you informed

Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Design Team member Laura Parks takes her turn at center stage today, as we introduce you, in-depth in their own words, to each of Scrapbook Generation's talented group. (Laura has the cutest class coming up next Monday evening -- it's an album shaped like a purse, and would make a great Mother's Day gift!)

Design Team Member #6: Laura Parks
Occupation: In-home daycare provider
Spouse: Gregg
Children: Taylor 11 and Tucker 9
Hobbies other than scrapbooking: camping, reading, spending time at the beach, cooking and baking, coming up with new dishes and treats

-- How long have you been scrapbooking? "I've been scrapbooking for 10 years."

-- When and where do you usually scrapbook? "At my kitchen table, whenever time allows. My stuff is usually laying out so when I get a few minutes I can work on a project."

-- How many pages do you complete in an average month? "Some months two, some months six, some months none."

-- Describe your scrapbooking style. "I wouldn't say I have a style. Sometimes my pages are all junked up and sometimes they are very simple -- mostly they are in-between, but almost also have ink on them. I just can't not do it!"

-- What do you enjoy most about scrapbooking? "The thing I enjoy most about scrapbooking is the actual process of putting a layout together. I love it when my pictures and my paper and my extras all come together. I also love that I am able to tell a story with my scrapbooks, the story of our life!"

--Why did being on the Design Team at Scrapbook Generation appeal to you? "I wanted to be on the Design Team to number one challenge myself to make the best pages I can. And number two to hopefully inspire other people."

-- Why is Scrapbook Generation your favorite scrapbook store? "The selection is great, but what I like most is that when I walk in the door whoever is behind the counter calls me by name -- and they even know Gregg when he comes through the door!"

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