• keeping you informed

Saturday, April 21, 2007

I have paint up to my elbows, but that seems appropriate after finishing six sessions of a class called "Cover with Paint!" The 60+ ladies who attended today's sessions at Scrapbook Generation seemed to have a great time as we used paint as an edging product, as a decorative element with foam stamps, and as a base for Making Memories cool new glitter glaze, which takes on different looks depending on the color of the base paint. FYI, we also have a new pearl glaze and clear glaze by Making Memories!

Even though I'm tired, I always get to the end of these busy Saturdays with a good feeling about the relationships we are building as we get to know customers on a more individual basis because of the classes. I have yet to meet a cranky scrapbooker! Everyone is so friendly, so happy to learn something new, and so appreciative of our efforts. Tired but happy would describe Karin and I quite well!

As far as new stuff goes, this next week is going to be huge for us. We're expecting three gigantic shipments which will include over 60 albums, all the new cardstock colors we've added room for, storage items galore, several styles of camera wallets and purses, graduation and Mother's Day goodies, and actually more stuff than my tired brain can think of right now. It should start hitting us by Wednesday, and I'll get specifics on the blog just as soon as we get them out.

Things are also going well in Allison's relationship with Creating Keepsakes. They have purchased one of her layouts to use for one of their online challenges in May. She's excited over the paycheck she'll get from them, and also about what we all hope is the start of something great for her. She obsesses over whether people will like her pages, but as her Mom, I don't think there's anything to worry about in that department.

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