• keeping you informed

Monday, April 16, 2007

My report on Saturday's trial run of free "sketch sessions" at Scrapbook Generation is overwhelmingly positive, which is great, since it was one of my ideas that I wasn't exactly sure how it would play out in real life! About 30 scrapbookers attended the three sessions, and the great majority of them had never used a sketch to create a scrapbook page before. We spent a few minutes talking about some design principles, then they spent the rest of their time creating a two-page spread using the sketch I had produced just for them.

They had the choice of using the same papers I had used in my model, or they could choose their own papers. About half opted to pick out their own papers, so we had a good lesson in how many different looks you can get from the same sketch, just by changing your paper and color choices.

Here is what they had to say about the "sketch sessions," which we will offer again May 19 at 11, 1 and 2:30. Call us at 886-0440 to register.

-- "Great class! I liked the sketch idea. Nice to have help picking out papers, also. It's quick way to get pages done!"

-- "Fun class. I love leaving with finished pages."

-- "Thanks so much for the classes and the new ideas. The classes I've attended have helped me expand in my layouts, embellishments, a general enjoyment of scrapbooking. Many thanks!"

-- "I loved the theme of papers you chose. I found the sketch very easy to follow and love having a layout ready in case I just feel like I can't get started! Thank you for allowing us the chance to be part of the 'sketching' process. I love coming to your classes!"

-- "I really not only enjoyed this, but need this. I feel I am not very creative and slow when I am creative, so this helps me tremendously. I would definitely come to this again. Thanks!"

-- "This idea is great. The layout is a great help to me since I am artistically challenged. Everyone is so friendly and helpful."

-- "I am a beginning scrapper. This was very helpful to me."

-- "I love these classes. I have learned so much by coming to these. Your store has the best, most imaginative ideas. Thanks for helping my scrapbooks be so much better."

-- "Love this class! I like the design aspect of this class."

-- "I love the class. It was so helpful and I learned a lot, like internal margins and adapting a sketch. Thank you so much!"

-- "Thoroughly enjoyed the class. I'll be back!"

-- "Thanks so much for offering this class as well as the other classes that I have taken here. I have learned so much but I still have so much to learn. Thanks for all of your help."

-- "Thanks for doing a class like this. As a beginner I was a little nervous about so much freedom, but the sketch is so valuable. I really enjoyed the class."

-- "Enjoyed the design very much. Can see many ways to change it and use multiple times. Thanks so much."

-- "Thank you so much. I really enjoyed the class and will be back again."

-- "Thank you so much for this opportunity to learn more about scrapbooking. It was a lot of fun. Everyone was so friendly and helpful. I will definitely come to more."

-- "Enjoyed the class. Definitely something I will do again. Thanks so much for taking the time to share your ideas."

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