• keeping you informed

Sunday, March 09, 2008

I'm not usually here on Sundays, but I stopped in on the way home from the first of Scrapbook Generation's two spring retreats in Branson. We had a great time, and when I'm back on Tuesday I'll share comments from the ladies who attended. Photos will come later, after the second retreat. I don't want the ones of you who will be attending the second one to see all the decorations before you arrive!

New products...
My Mind's Eye: The "Just Dreamy" collection arrived Thursday, and is ready for purchase. This group has two bright color schemes, and matching die-cuts, paper packs, and buttons.
Maya Road: We've overflowing with chipboard! You'll need to check out their alphabet sets and shape sets, all packaged in metal tins with handles. We also received some cute chipboard purse albums, but Stacey tells me they are already gone. I'll order more as quickly as possible!
My Tattered Angels: There are new seasonal, limited edition colors of Glimmer Mist, including Robin's Egg Blue, Spring Mint, Pink Ink, Daisy Yellow, Red Passion, and more. We also have lots more Gingerbread, Sapphire, and Candy Apple Red.

Creating Keepsakes...
Friday was a big day for Allison Davis, and all of her family. The April issue of Creating Keepsakes arrived, complete with Ali's first article. The five-page article she wrote starts on page 89 and features four of her layouts as well as some by others to illustrate her points at how to turn one-page layouts into two-page layouts.

When I was grading Ali's freshman English papers and her junior and senior journalism stories, I never imagined she would someday write an article for a national magazine (not because she wasn't a good writer, which she was, but because that's not an easy feat to accomplish). I'm so proud of her, not just for creating beautiful scrapbook pages, and not just for being a great mom and wonderful daughter, but for setting goals and working hard to achieve them.

Anyway, while I'm saying nice things about her on MY blog, if you happen to read hers you'll find out that she's making fun of some of my clothing choices. In addition to the dress pictured, Ali and Stacey have never let me live down my ill-fated purchase of metallic gold tennis shoes sometime during the late 80s! I only wore them once, but the infamy has lived on.

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