• keeping you informed

Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Weather Update...
After hearing the weather forecasts for Tuesday, we were fairly sure we wouldn't be able to be open Scrapbook Generation. I was going to work from home that day, and since I didn't have to get out, I was all fired up to sit in my scrapbook area, work on some kits, drink some hot chocolate, and watch it snow.

When I got up Tuesday morning, I walked to every window in my house just south of Mansfield and looked out. I finally found three flakes of what appeared to be snow huddled together near the front entrance. I tried to call the store a couple of times like I usually do, and didn't get an answer. I called Karin at home and inquired as to why she wasn't at the store. Kind of with a tone, as in why in the world is the store not open! Karin quickly told me that Springfield had eight inches of snow! I couldn't believe it. I don't ever remember having different weather than Springfield, and this forecast had Mansfield in the 7-12 inches zone. Anyway, I just want to let all of you Springfield people know that I feel cheated by this whole thing!

Actually, I'm glad it wasn't any worse than it was. We've already lost four business days in 2008, and I could do without more.

Marti Blattert's Scrapbook 101 classes cancelled on Tuesday will be held at the same times a week later -- Tuesday, April 11.

New stuff...
The My Mind's Eye shipment will be here today (Wednesday). It should be here by 2 at the latest, and then it will take us at least a couple of hours to get it out on the shelves. As I've said, it will fill almost the entire front area of the store. In the three groups, there are probably 40-50 collections, with all kinds of topics. I can't wait to see it all! One thing you might want to know...the little extras (titles, quotes, journaling blocks, transparencies, etc.) now are shipped to us in sets of 10 instead of sets of 15. That means that those will be gone much quicker than before. If you like to get all the matching goodies, I suggest shopping early!

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