• keeping you informed

Monday, May 05, 2008

Thanks everyone! We had over 100 people attending Scrapbook Generation's sketch sessions this past Saturday, during our National Scrapbooking Day hoopla. Throw in lots of other shoppers, and it was our best day EVER in almost four years of being in business! We put in lots of extra hours getting everything ready, and getting all the new stuff out, so as you can imagine, we're all tired, but it's a good kind of tired.

We surprised the people attending the sketch sessions by giving them two sketches instead of just one, and they were able to make two complete layouts for less than $4!

I also think that anyone who thinks scrapbooking is declining as a hobby should have been here Saturday! When we opened the doors at 10 am, the line to get in was all the way to the Sprint Store and partway down the ramp!

I know that I'm seriously behind in getting photos of new things on the blog, but I'll have to wait until Thursday to do that. Right now, I'm in a mad dash to get out of here and go pick up Drew. Ali's doctor put her on complete bed rest (and I don't know how that can possibly work with a two-year-old) so I get the privilege of taking Drew home with me until Thursday. We're going to have fun! I bought him a new tricycle just to keep at my house, so I can't wait to get there and watch him ride it.

Again, thanks to all of you for being our wonderful customers. We look forward to many more years sharing this hobby of scrapbooking with you.

PS: We're mailing out fall retreat registration letters this week to those who attended one of our two spring retreats. During May, we'll accept nonrefundable $50 deposits from anyone who attended in the spring. June 1, any open spots will be up for grabs to others who want to attend!

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