• keeping you informed

Tuesday, September 08, 2009

Welcome to Scrapbook Generation's September blog contest! From now until midnight on Tuesday, September 15, leave a comment on the following question, and you'll be entered in a random drawing to win a prize package valued at $50. We'll announce the winner on Wednesday, September 16.

Here's the September question...
Which do you prefer: scrapbooking as a solitary activity or as a social activity. Why?

Updates on events...
-- Designers Challenge Club will meet for the first time on Thursday, Sept. 17. I've already gathered the materials for the first packets, and I'm really excited about our first meeting! (To read a complete description of this fun new club that will meet once a month, see the blog post on July 25.) We've had some requests from people who don't live in Springfield or the surrounding area and can't come to the monthly meetings, inquiring if they can still be involved. The answer is yes! We'll be happy to ship the $15 monthly club packet anywhere in the U.S. You can email us photos of your projects and have access to the blog, just like the other club members! Next week, I'll post a picture of the supplies in the first packet!

-- Please consider adding our Scrap Pink crop on Friday, Sept. 25 to your schedule. We still have spots left, and this is a wonderful way to support breast cancer research, since $10 of the $25 fee goes directly to the Susan G. Komen for the Cure foundation. The 5 pm - midnight crop will have pink decorations, pink snacks, Scrap Pink mugs, and lots of prizes! And don't forget to wear pink!

-- Don't forget to sign up for the free Scrap Pink sketch sessions the next day, Saturday, Sept. 26. Allison and I will use the same set of pink papers, design two sketches, and you'll be able to make two great pink layouts at a cost of only about $4. As always, the sketches are free! Sessions are held at 10, 11:30, 1, and 2:30. Please call or stop by to pre-register. And don't forget that everyone making a purchase of at least $25 that day will receive a special-edition pink page kit, a $12.99 value. Everyone making a purchase of any amount can choose 10 pink buttons, free! (Both offers are for adults only, one per family please.)

-- And something new! Don't forget to make plans to join us for World Card Making Day on Saturday, Oct. 3. You can stop by our "card bar" and make five free cards. Sign up for sessions at 10, 11, noon, 1, 2, 3, or 4. Call or stop by to pre-register. And to make it even better, if you make a purchase of at least $25, you get your choice of a free card kit or free page kit, both valued at $12.99.


  1. Oooh - good question. Depends on my mood really. Most of the time, it is solitary so I can actually get something accomplished. But once in a while (once a month, etc) scrapbooking is GREAT fun with some good friends. I like to see what they are up to and see some good ideas to use on my pages (not as much actually gets accomplished though)!

  2. September Question: I am a 50% "solitary" scrapbooker & a 50% "Social" scrapbooker. I like the time by myself to do the journaling and final details on a project--but also "equally" love the social time of sharing ideas, learning about new things, and meeting new friends. Time-wise, I spend more time by myself. Once or twice a month I get together with others.

  3. As I have limited opportunities to go to crops and actually get any scrapbooking done, I prefer to go at it alone. That way I'm not distracted and get TONS more done. As I find myself to be one of the few who go to crops alone I am starting to miss the social aspect of it all, but the goal of accomplishing layouts surpasses my need for socializing. Also I don't have many friends locally who scrapbook...if you can believe that. Once I get a little more caught up I will probably start being more social. I know...I know you never get caught up, but I'm going to try! So leave me alone. :)

  4. I think I like it both ways but I don't have any local friends who scrapbook. In fact I will be a lone scrapper at scrapapolooza which I am sorta ok with as I get SO much done :D I live an hour and half away so I would go to your crops to make crop friends but just not feasible. Anywhoo... but I do scrap A LOT at home and I love that too. I just wish once a month I could get out and do it away from the kids interruptions :D

  5. I love going to crops, I enjoy interacting with people and looking around for ideas, but I REALLY enjoy scrapbooking alone. I love it when I have the house all to myself, I can sit for hours in silence gluing, cutting and designing! Thanks for the chance to win!

  6. I enjoy scrapbooking in all forms, but if I have to choose one, I would say solitary. I like to get "in the zone" and lose track of time when I'm creating layouts.

  7. Penny Peck9:38 AM

    I enjoy scrapbooking both ways. I tend to be more creative when alone but also learn from others when I scrap with them and of course, the fellowship is also sweet.

  8. I go between both...sometimes I like to scrapbook in a group, particularly if we're doing a certain type of project, or I have premade kits or pages ready to assemble. Otherwise, I tend to scrap alone in my workspace, where I have my supplies and tools readily available, and it's usually such a mess, that no one else would probably want to scrap there!

  9. Is both a fair answer? I love to scrap with friends and family for the social aspect and inspiration, but sometimes it's just nice to be in your scrap space with your photos churning out the layouts.

  10. Anonymous2:44 PM

    I actually get more accomplished at a social cropping than alone. There seems to be more distractions when I'm alone that I don't get anything accomplished. I'm so looking forward to the October retreat when I can get some cards made and finish one of my albums. Thanks for letting us share our thoughts!

    Jackie Toebben

  11. I like my finished product better when I scrapbook alone, however, my monthly crop guarantees that I will make time for scrapbooking that month...so both are essential to getting my precious memories into my scrapbook.

  12. Anonymous3:01 PM

    I absolutely LOVE to scrap socially. I attend the retreats, we have a neighborhood monthly crops, and I have girlfriends over regularly! I get great ideas, help when I'm stuck, and get to borrow when with a group. However, I tend to journal and break out the BIG projects sololy!

    Carey L.

  13. kroller3:51 PM

    That is actually a really hard question. I love both for different reasons. I tend to journal-A LOT, so i get engrossed in my page and the emotions behind it more when I scrap alone. I can agonize hours over the finishing touches on a layout. On the other hand,I have a group of friends that come to my "scrap shack" every Fri night to scrap or do whatever we are working on. I really enjoy the conversations/ideas/and laughter that ensues. Having the time to scrap either way makes me happy!

  14. I love scrapping alone because it is thereputic and relaxing, but I love getting input from fellow scrappers. I think my pages turn out better when I scrap in a group because it helps me think outside the box.

  15. Anonymous9:11 PM

    I prefer to scrapbook with others but can never seem to find a time that works to scrap with friends due to busy schedules. The advantage of scrapbooking at home is that I don't have to pack up my supplies. I may have a new take on this subject after attending the upcoming fall retreat in Branson. But Springfield is a little far to drive for crops but I would love to.

    Linda from KS

  16. Denise9:22 PM

    I enjoy scrapping socially to share my pages and look at the different ideas scrappers have. Everyone has a style of their own. I love to scrap at home because everything is close at hand in case I change my design. I would rather scrap than go to work and have been late because I was working on a layout. Happy Scrappin'.

  17. I'm a solo scrapper... I love the group stuff but I get so much more done and my pages look better when I do scrap solo. However if my husband would ever ask I would say I need the classes and scraps just for a night out. :)

    Thanks, Hilary

  18. I like to scrap socially. It is so much fun to see everybody's layouts and you learn lots of new techniques. Plus it is fun to get with a group of people and hear about their stories and families. Jill Smith

  19. BOTH........Who doesn't love the creative quiet time? Then again who doesn't love to hang out with their girlie girls at a big ole' Palooza!

  20. Anonymous9:03 AM

    Well, I have to go with the majority of the comments! 50/50!!! I love the social part as I am generally seeing family that I haven't seen in a while and getting their input and seeing their albums gives you great ideas and lots of laughter! But, the solitude is good also if you want to get alot done, but I always find myself wanting to show my pages to someone and there isn't anyone there, so I take phots and post them on my blog!

  21. Anonymous9:32 AM

    I love to scrapbook with my friends at church. We can discuss our Bible study and pray for the ones that are sick in our town. I am so happy to have found you. My husband goes to Grizzley and calls it his scrap store and now we both are happy. Beth for Mississippi

  22. Most of the time I scrapbook at crops because it gives me the opporunity to see if I am headed in the right direction. It is wonderful to have a friend tell you that what you are doing is good or bad.

    I also like to scrapbook on my own because to me it is relaxing. If I have had a stressful day sometimes I just put a kit together in the evening.

  23. I go to crops, etc for fellowship. If I know what I'm going to work on before I go, I do fine. If I need to think or design, I get more done if I'm alone.

  24. I am a 75/25. 75% social and 25% solitary. I am not the most creative person, so I really like being able to share idea's. I do like to concentrate when journaling, so I like to do that alone. Although with 3 small children (4,2,1) alone is a relative term!!!!

  25. Crystal G.3:01 PM

    I'm not sure which one i prefer...i love them both...however i ALWAYS get more accomplished when i scrap alone!! :)

  26. Social - it gives me some time to get stuff done and have some conversations with big people that don't revolve around Elmo or Thomas the Train! I like being able to bounce ideas off of other people, and get 2nd & 3rd opinions.

  27. I prefer to scrapbook on my own. I don't have alot of time to pack everything up and go to crops, although I would love to. I am not very organized and always leave something important at home.

  28. I prefer to scrapbook with friends, but that usually takes too much organization in order to accomplish much. So, typically, I end up scrapbooking alone.

  29. Anonymous3:34 PM

    I perfer scrapbooking to be a social event, because I think it is a great way to meet new friends and come up with new techniques and ideas. Although when I am behind on something or have on a certain amount of time to finish something I get more accomplished when scrapbooking alone. ~Shelby Shelby_Jo23@yahoo.com~

  30. Anonymous3:36 PM

    I love the fellowship and new ideas that I get from my fellow scrappers. Let's not forget the food! But, I seem to be more productive when I scrap alone.

  31. I enjoy scrapbooking with my two daughters the most. Whether it be making a page for an album or making a card.

  32. I like scrapping as a social actitivity. It's a great time to reconnect with friends. Plus, you can be inspired by others around you and get help when you are stumped on a layout.


  33. Wow, great question! Although I do love to scrap and craft as a solitary activity, I really look forward to the social aspect of the craft when crops and camps come around. I love to see so many great ideas from my friends and a little girl time too!

  34. I prefer solitary scrapping because it is more relaxing and I can be more creative. I do enjoy taking classes and the social aspect of that.

  35. Wow, after yesterdays Palooza I have come to realize I am a solitary scrapper. It's not that I don't love hanging out with friends and learning new techniques, but I seem to visit more than I work. Ooops! I guess it doesn't hurt to do that once in a while does it? Thanks again for the chance to win!


  36. I choose to scrap alone, although I have attended Scrap-a--palooza in the past, I find that I accomplish much more when I stay at home and scrap, besides I never know what to take and at home it's all within my fingertips. I do plan to attend the next "big" crop you have (scrap-a-palooza) in the spring, I go just for the social aspect, and the shopping!!!!

  37. Shelly9:27 AM

    If I want to accomplish anything is must be solo. Otherwise when I'm at a crop I get very little done. This weekend at at 4 hour crop I only got half of two spreads started. I just like being around other people to get their ideas and opinions. It also gets me motivated to get scrappin again once I get home.

  38. Amy M-R6:16 PM

    Well, I get much more done when I crop by myself at home, and I don't spend any time packing stuff up. I do like to attend crops if I have had a chance to put together a kit of things to work on. I will say that it bugs me to sit at a table with someone who talks and talks and talks. I'm friendly and a bit chatty at crops, but do still like to do a little thinking and get stuff done.

  39. Anonymous9:53 PM

    I like to crop with friends. I enjoy visiting and running ideas by them. I may or may not get much done, but I really don't mind. I always have fun!

    Debbie Linton

  40. Anonymous10:07 PM

    I love both. I like going to crops and listening to everyone around me. I also enjoy seeing other people's pictures and layouts. However, to truly get some serious planning done, I sometimes need to be alone.

    Connie Stokes

  41. I usually need the social time, so I think I'll go with that! I love getting a crop together with friends to eat, talk and scrap. Of course, unless I've made some sketches of pages I want to do ahead of time, I may or may not actually get very much accomplished! :) Once my scrapbook room is (finally) completed, I hope to get more accomlished on my own.

  42. Anonymous7:37 AM

    I love to scrapbook with friends which is usually my Mother. But living in another town, I do scrap alone in my scrapbooking room. I get a lot accomplished either way!
    Thank YOu,

  43. I definitely have more fun scrapping with friends and I can get ideas and help from them. I do scrap by myself occasionally but I find my creativity doesn't flow as easily as when I have my friends around.


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