• keeping you informed

Sunday, January 03, 2010

As the new year begins, I wanted to take some time and tell you how much Karin, Stacey, Allison and I appreciate your business, your friendship, your smiles, and your laughter. We've been around for five years, and it's so wonderful to be able to say that 2009 was our best year ever!

In the midst of depressing economic news every time I've turned on the television for the past 14-15 months, we have managed not just to maintain, but to grow. The four of us work hard, sometimes too hard, but looking back, I'll have to say that it has been worth all the extra hours and extra effort. And we're well aware that it is your continued support that makes that effort rewarding.

My grandparents owned a successful business, Rush Hardware, in Mansfield for over 25 years. We want Scrapbook Generation to be around that long, too. We want to offer the best shopping, the best events, the best classes, and the best atmosphere we can possibly provide.

As 2010 progresses, watch for exciting things from us. Two more retreats in addition to the four we already host. Two additional mega-crops for 150 people in the mid-Missouri/Lake of the Ozarks area. More sketch books. An innovative DVD starring my two favorite redheads.

We're ready for a wild and crazy ride in 2010. Hang on and have fun with us!

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