• keeping you informed

Thursday, April 01, 2010

Scrapbook Generation has all three new collections by Pink Paislee! I especially love the folded ribbon borders, the chipboard buttons, the journaling books, and the huge distressed alpha set.

We're still getting everything put back out after the third retreat! Somewhere, we have the Shimmerz spritz to match their glimmery paints, and we also just got a shipment of Maya Mist from Maya Road! Several boxes just came in with new products from Bazzill, but it will be Friday before those new goodies are out for purchase.


  1. Anonymous10:01 PM

    I really wish your store wasn't 7-8 hours away! Looking at your blog is like torture. So many goodies that i just cant have due to hundreds of miles between us.

  2. We've had people shop from our blog photos before! You can always call us and request anything you see here, and we'll be happy to ship it to you. We try really hard to keep our shipping costs affordable for people. -- Debbie


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