• keeping you informed

Saturday, May 22, 2010

I made a huge mistake in the June/July newsletter, regarding the dates for classes to be taught by guest teacher Tammy Tutterow. The calendar is correct, with her classes on Friday evening, June 11 and Saturday morning, June 12. (The article on the front page and the class description on page two both have the wrong dates. Sorry for any confusion...I'm usually a better proofreader than that.)

I'll be posting photos of the two class projects in the next couple of days, and the Saturday class model is already here at Scrapbook Generation so you can see the real thing. This is such a wonderful opportunity for all of us to learn from an expert in papercrafting who can share her love for all things vintage with us!

Another great thing about Tammy is that she is the daughter of Shirley Hall, well-known to many scrapbookers in this area. Shirley is a member of our Designers Challenge Club, and after seeing her detailed and creative projects, it's easy to see that Tammy comes by her talents naturally.

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