• keeping you informed

Monday, July 12, 2010

Nikki Sivils, Scrapbooker Day was a huge hit!

It was a party all day long as SG hosted the world premiere of two new collections by Nikki Sivils, Scrapbooker, a locally-based scrapbooking company that has just been in existence for about a year. Nikki's local Design Team, headed by Katrina Hunt, was here teaching free mini-classes all day long. I'll tell the story of the day with help from the following photos.

The Nikki Sivils team...DT member Karen Taylor, DT member Stacey Atchley, graphic designer Heather Schroeder, DT member Laura Parks, and Nikki Sivils. (Katrina Hunt, DT leader, had to slip out before the craziness of the day had died down enough for us to grab a few photos.)

The two lines we revealed Saturday were "My Friend Birdie" and "Blueberry Hill." We had sold out of both lines by 2 pm, and Nikki's husband Dan had to bring us a new supply of both collections! Always a great problem to have!

We had several of Nikki's earlier collections here as well, at 20% off for the day. The Design Team brought in some awesome samples for everyone to look at.

Nikki Sivils teaches one of the free mini-classes. The four projects are shown below, and she was extremely generous with materials. Just using my simple math skills, our customers went home with over $10 in products FREE (!) if they participated in all four classes.

Design Team leader Katrina Hunt teaches one of the four free mini-classes that were scattered throughout the store on Saturday.

DT member Laura Parks and graphic designer Heather Schroeder team up to teach one of the four free mini-classes.

Nikki Sivils explains how to make one of the four projects that her team provided for anyone interested in making them.

Design Team member Karen Taylor works with a group of ladies who are working on one of the free mini-class projects.

My favorite sample brought in by the Nikki Sivils group...Katrina Hunt used the "Blueberry Hill" line to immortalize one of my more goofy moments from Scrap-a-Palooza a couple of weeks ago! I loved it!

As usual, the chocolate buffet was a huge hit!

In addition to being a talented member of the Design Team, Laura Parks also makes great gourmet mini-cupcakes. Her company is called Something Simple, and we'll be happy to put you in contact with her if you can't find her on Facebook.

The Mini-Super-Saver sessions were a huge hit, with about 70 people participating in four different time periods. In addition to making two layouts with the new "Blueberry Hill" collection for only $7, the participants also got free gifts from both Scrapbook Generation and Nikki Sivils, Scrapbooker totaling $6.

And I can't quit without saying "thanks" from the SG gang...Karin, Allison, Stacey, and me. You can't have a party without people, and we had both in abundance this past Saturday. It was a hugely successful day for the Nikki Sivils team and for the Scrapbook Generation team. One of the things that impressed me the most was how many people made it a point to look one or more of us up and say "thank you" for all the activities and the free goodies!

We had a great time, and we'll do it all again in January just before the Winter CHA!

Winners of the prize drawings at the end of the day...
• Debbie Seitzer
• Diana Vaughn
Just stop by SG and pick up your prize packages, donated by Nikki Sivils, Scrapbooker!

1 comment:

  1. looks like it was a lot fun. Love all the examples and the yummy food. That is a lot of people at your party and shows how much all of you are loved.


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