• keeping you informed

Monday, August 09, 2010

I'm calling 2010 the 'Year of the Double Tammy!'
Most of you should have received your newsletters by now, and you've seen that we have a class coming up on Saturday, August 21 with a new teacher, Tammy Roberts. Tammy makes beautiful vintage pages, which is why she was recently chosen as a Design Team member for Graphic 45. With the huge popularity of that paper company, the competition for those spots had to be fierce.

And you may also know that we're lucky to be hosting a second weekend visit from Tammy Tutterow from St. Louis. Tammy will be back at SG November 12-13, and we can't wait to see the class projects she'll be teaching. Tammy is already well known nationally, and if I had an hour or so I'd list all her paper crafting honors. But what I really want to tell you about today is her latest one -- she's been chosen for the Tim Holtz Design Team! Do I need to say any more? That is an enormous honor, and very well-deserved!

We're so fortunate to have Tammy R. and Tammy T. as teachers at Scrapbook Generation. They are both so creative, and so nice, and so talented.

Tammy Roberts' class on the 21st is already extremely close to being full, so if you're interested, you should probably move quickly. To see the project, go to the July 24 blog post below.


  1. LOL! How funny!
    I love Tammy Roberts' pages! I need to plan a trip down sometime to take one of her classes!

    I am so looking forward to November and visiting SG again!

  2. Can't wait for you to come back, especially with all your new glory! (And I'm ready for fall weather, too!) -- Debbie

  3. Oh Tammy.... you are too kind! I can't wait till November.... I am sooo signing up for your class, I didn't get to take the first one : (


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