• keeping you informed

Thursday, August 05, 2010

Scrapbook Generation Publishing news...
We're official. Yesterday, Scrapbook Generation Publishing shipped its first orders that were placed at CHA to stores across the country. And even better, we're starting to get additional orders from contacts made at CHA. Right now, we're lovin' our fax machine!

I haven't blogged much this week because we've taken advantage of a rare no-classes-or-other-activities-week to undertake a major overhaul of the office, our commons area, and the back room/cargo loading area. Right now, the classroom area of the store looks kind of like that unfortunate period when you're cleaning house and everything looks worse than it did before you started. We're trying to clear up as much space and get as organized as we possibly can. Stacey has transformed the back room into a warehouse, and we're slowly getting things back in order.

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