• keeping you informed

Wednesday, October 06, 2010

Welcome to the October blog contest!
We have a prize package valued at $50 ready for the winner of this contest. All you have to do is leave a comment under this post, answering the following question. You have until midnight on October 27 to comment.

October's blog contest question...
Monday, October 11 is Scrapbook Generation's actual sixth birthday. What is your favorite thing about Scrapbook Generation?


  1. My favorite thing is that there is always something going on....classes, retreats, mega-crops, special guests!! You keep us inspired and entertained!

  2. The wonderful woman who work there and put together such wonderful work shops and weekend retreats !!

  3. One of my favorite things is the quality and selection of great scrapping supplies! Happy birthday sg:-)

  4. Being new to town.. it was great to see that SG carried some of my most favorite manufactures and they to keep up to date on new lines!

  5. I'm too far to visit the shop so my favorite thing is the wonderful kits that get mailed out each month!

  6. Tiffany12:14 PM

    I just love all the classes! They are super affordable and always adorable. I love that things are made for real scrappers that have way more than one photo for a page and that don't have a lot of time.

    The Sketch Books are pretty amazing too!

  7. Lot's of things: Greatest classes, lots of paper and products, fantastic events, and of course the amazing people who make it all possible!!!

  8. My favorite thing about SG is the fact that all of you are willing to share your talent and knowledge. Part of the time we pay for this but even when we pay it is priced reasonably.

  9. My favorite thing is scrap-a-palooza. I also love all of the wonderful products that are always available to me locally! Amazing job ladies! Congratulations on six years!

  10. Well, given that I live too far away to visit (although I may have to find a way to trek there for Scrap-a-Palooza sometime) I love the page kits that you are so kind to send monthly!

  11. Lisa Stenfort2:26 PM

    I love the incredible variety offered in your store. However, since I only get to shop when visiting family in Ozark, I LOVE receiving your monthly kits in the mail. They are a fabulous value, and your customer service is excellent. Thanks, SG!

  12. Your kit club gives us a whole new reason for another crop. We are forming a new meet up with New York and Connecticut gals. Thanks for making it easy for us. Brainless scrapping we call it. Gotta love it!
    Barbra in NY.

  13. My favorite thing about scrapbook generation is that even though I live 6 hours away, I feel like a part of the SG family through the blogs (including Allison's blog,) kit clubs and the personal attention I receive when I need something.

  14. That you know my name, and greet me by name !!!

  15. I have to agree with the comments above about not living near the store. You include us in everything thru your blogs, kits, newsletters and crops. I love how you always have the newest papers, different classes and low prices.

    So thank you for all you do and making it so easy for us to love you whether nearby or far away.

  16. Found your recently and sooo wish I lived closer and could attend your classes.
    But I love the sketch books, cant wait to order more !

  17. My favorite thing about Scrapbook Generation is that I can't narrow my favorite things down to just one! I love that even though I live in KC, you guys recognize my name from my monthly kit participation. And speaking of the monthly kits, I love all of the great products that you all offer that help me scrap faster: kits, sketch books, a good blog with great ideas (the store blog and Allison's of course. And I love the creativity that just seems to bubble out of each of you. It is inspiring! I love shopping at SG when I can get down there, and I love getting those boxes from you the first week of every month. Keep up the great work ladies. I really appreciate it!

  18. Never a dull moment at SG. Do these gals sleep? They work so hard to stay on the cutting edge of paper arts. Whether you are SCRAPBOOKER OR A CARDMAKER, they make you feel special. Amy Henbest

  19. Merri Lynn8:18 PM

    My favorite thing about SG is the friendly helpful supportive staff--each one of you is quite an asset to the store. Thanks for all you do.

  20. Gretchen Lindsey8:37 PM

    Your store is great! You always carry the newest paper collections and are great about letting people know when they arrive.I wish I lived closer, so I could shop more. I love the new sketch club kits. Well worth the money.

    The fact that you'll keep growing each year and are continuing to thrive, even in this economy, is an acknowledgement of your hard work and dedication to the store. Congratulations!!!

  21. Shelly H8:43 PM

    Too many things to list. The friendly gals, sketch books, awesome retreats, fun classes, new up-to-date products, it's so hard to choose. I love that they know me and call me by name even though they only see me a few times a year. I just wish I could visit more often. Thanks for the inspiration!

  22. Anonymous8:45 PM

    My favorite thing is the huge selection to choose from. The Fact that all of you go beyond the call of duty for all of us to have a great scrapbook store here in Springfield. Happy Birthday and thanks again ladies.

    Christine Dix

  23. Anonymous9:02 PM

    My favorite things about SG are the sketch books. They inspire me and help me get started with a new page. But I love all the other things SG has to offer--great papers, classes, Midnight Madness, retreats, etc. I have a lot of opportunities to have focused scrapbooking time and can choose the times that work best for me. The ladies there are great too!!!

    Jana Dock

  24. Fantastic customer service! You ladies make a point to get to know your customers by name and meet their needs. I think it makes a difference!

  25. Sketch books, definitely!!!

  26. kroller9:24 PM

    It's a toss up between the sketches and the awesome product assortment! The sketches changed the way I scrapbook and I love how many ways you can use them! It's become a normal part of my Saturdays!

  27. The sketch books for sure! Love them, use them, couldn't scrap without them. Keep em' comin'!

  28. Anonymous9:45 AM

    My Favorite thing about Scrapbook Generation is the wonderful sketch books and Super Savers monthly kit. I have two favorites couldn't just put one!!

  29. Anonymous11:16 AM

    My favorite thing is the wide variety of kits available to those of us who live too far away to come into the store. And the sketch books are to die for - my friends who have seen my copies are clamoring for their own!!!

  30. I love the kits and the fact you can buy them without being there as I live in CA and belive me we have nothing like your store anywhere around me. Love it.

  31. I love all the inspiration from the blog and since I am not local being able to purchase the kits and have them shipped to me.

  32. Carol Harkins4:03 PM

    I am in love with SG and the family who owns it! I love EVERYTHING about it along with many other scrapbookers.I love the way they make a "Far Away Customer"feel part of everything, almost like family. But, MY favorite thing about SG is the professionalism & organization that they run the business with. I don't have to keep track of anything because I know they do! From Kit clubs or special requests to retreats & mega crops they are a pleasure to deal with. They are the BEST!!!!

  33. Donna C4:10 PM

    I have so many favorite things. I agree with many others that the classes and kits are great! I always have so much fun in the classes. I also love that when I see paper online that I love, my two personal shoppers will pull it out for me and either mail it or hold it if I am coming down to Springfield in a couple of days.

  34. I live in Texas and have followed your blog, wishing I lived closer to visit the store. My favorite thing is that you offered the Sketch Classes to those of us out of town. I feel I have gotten more inspiration from your website than most magazines. Thanks for your hard work, and still looking forward to the dvd.

  35. Denise5:29 PM

    I've only been to the store once and I attended the retreat last spring at Windemere. Everyone is so friendly even when you call on the phone. At the retreat they knew our names and it was like one big happy family and the food was delish. I check & read SG & Allison's blog everyday just to see what's new. What's not to like, you go all out all the time. I wish I lived closer.

  36. Alison Williams6:23 PM

    The Inspiration!! The sketch books have helped me be more creative while getting a lot more pictures scrapbooked! Can't resist all the beautiful paper collections you just can't find anywhere else!

  37. I live in Tucson,AZ but I still am able to enjoy Scrapbook Generation. I love their blog. It's full of information and inspiration. I've started calling to place orders for kits and other items that SG carries that I can't find in my local scrapbook store.

  38. The friendliness and courteousness of the ladies who work there and the clean, wonderful layout of the store...and the vast amount of wonderful scrapping lines to choose from!

  39. Anonymous1:04 AM

    I love everything about SG so it's hard to pick a favorite thing I love about SG! If I had to pick I would have to say great customer service. I always feel welcome each time I come to the store! Everyone is very friendly and nice! I like the Saturday scrapbook classes cause it gives me the chance to relax and enjoying doing a craft that I like and also make awesome layouts and also scraping with friends as well! Scrapbook Generation is the best store in Springfield! :)...

    Ashley L.

  40. I love your store and your style of scrapbooking. SG continues to bring cutting edge products and classes to Springfield. Thanks so much!

  41. My favorite thing is...you four ladies. You all inspire me in your own unique way. I love the way you rely on each other's strengths and balance each other in perfect harmony.

  42. I love Scrapbook Generation because of their great selection. I also love them because they give us Scrap-A-Palooza.

  43. It would be very hard to narrow it down to one thing, so here's a couple... Debbie almost always calls me by name when I'm in the store. Maybe this is a sign I'm there too much :), but it makes me feel noticed. And the paper, the paper, the paper... LOVE the paper you guys always bring in. Right now I'm buying paper faster than I'm taking pictures... guess I need to work on that!!

  44. Anonymous11:14 AM

    Scrapbook Generations is a GREAT store. I love, love, love the Sketch Books. They have a SUPER inventory and I can find most anything that I can't find at our local scrapbook store.

  45. Anonymous11:16 AM

    I love visiting ali's blog especially during sketch week. Her sketch books are amazing. I'm able to finish layouts so much faster than before discovering them. Shari

  46. My favorite thing is the sketch books - they have really changed how I scrapbook. I scrapbook with a lot less stress now, and much quicker, because of the easy-to-use sketches!

  47. Happy Birthday! My birthday is today :) My favorite thing about SG are the amazing Sketch Books! I love visiting Ali's blog to see her variations too! Thanks for the chance to win!

  48. Angie Shively11:51 AM

    Love the Super Sketch Club Kits and the sketch books!! You guys ROCK!!:)

  49. i hope to visit your store one day! I like what i see about it online and I love that you're producing/backing the sketch books which are awesome and very helpful when you're having scrappers block!!

  50. I would have to say that my favorite thing is the talent you all share with us. In your sketchbooks, classes, and scrapapalooza. I don't know where you ladies all find the time to do all you do to make scrapbooking enjoyable for all of us. Happy 6th Birthday.

  51. I live in Central Virginia and I have to to quite honest, until the other day when one of my friends from Willow Traders online community posted a link to the kits here, I'd never heard of Scrapbook Generation. I not only think your page kits are some of the most gorgeous that I've ever seen (and this is coming from someone who's never been a huge fan of page kits but these are so elegant looking) but love the concept that they are based on sketches which I AM a huge fan of! As soon as I possibly can, I plan to sub to at least a couple of your option, which by the way, is quite a deal that you get a discount for getting more than one! Keep up the awesome work!!!

  52. I have following you guys on Facebook and your blog for about 1 month now and finally signed up for the Super Sketch Club. I love all of the various themed layouts the women design and how friendly everyone is!

  53. Anonymous6:30 PM

    I love the variety of papers more than anything. but yall carry so many different items that the big stores in town do not.(you know the good stuff) I also like the friendliness of the staff, they make you feel right at home.
    mary anne goth

  54. Anonymous6:32 PM

    i love the ladies that work here they are so kind and helpful. i also like there are so many papers to choose from. and many other items you cant find in other stores. happy birthday SG
    margaret spadoni

  55. I got the chance to shop here while visiting my sister - I wish I had a store with such a unique collection of goodies near me. My favorite is the unique embellishments that I was able to pick up.

  56. Becky8:17 PM

    I love the awesome paper selection and monthly kits. Happy Birthday!!! You all are great!

  57. I love getting my kit in the mail every month! I love that I am able to make fantastic pages quickly at an affordable price. I love that you are close enough to make a road trip day and visit!!

  58. Terri Schubert6:24 PM

    There's so many things I love about Scrapbook Generation...the sketches classes, the sketches books, the free make and take events, and Debbie, Karin, Stacey and Allison. You all do a great job!

  59. RacheT9:54 PM

    My favorite things about Scrapbook Generation are super sketch club, great sketches and the awesome customer service (even though I live miles away!) Happy 6th Birthday!

  60. The entire SG experience from start to finish. I walk in the door and am greeted by name by Debbie, Karen, or Stacey, who are friends at this point. I attend a sketch class and make a great page out of the latest and greatest products for under $4 (unless it's a super-saver and then I get 3 for $9). I walk back up front and ask what's new -- there's always something just in that I have drooled over in a scrapbook magazine and now get to see up close. AS I check out, I visit with Karen about the past week and what we've both been up to. Then we say goodbye and Karen says she'll see me soon. SG has earned my loyalty through their hard work with a personal touch. Thank you!

  61. My favorite things is that even though I am so far away, I am still able to participate in so much!! I can join in the clubs, ooh and ahh at sketch week, and join in the contests!!! Thanks for Everything!

  62. My favorite thing about Scrapbook Generation are you monthly kits. I live out of state and heard about your store from a friend! I love getting my monthly kits in the mail! Wish I lived close to you - but next time I'm in Missouri, I'm dropping by!

  63. Living without a LSS to call my own stinks but I love that SG makes me feel so welcomed! I really love the Super Sketch Club that I'm part of...the value is absolutely incredible and I feel I'm actually getting something done in my scrapbooks each month! Keep up the wonderful job...you're such an inspiration to us all!

    Happy Birthday SG!

  64. The sketch books are my faves - I live & breath sketches, and have been trying out 1 & 2 that my GF owns. They are ALL on my wish list for Christmas!

  65. Bambi7:32 PM

    I love the sketches and Kits.

  66. The sketch books and the monthly sketch week tutorials you provide for free. :D

  67. Tamme Steele10:45 AM

    I love the way everything is in the store by theme. I always know where to look. Thanks for such and awesome store.
    Tamme Steele

  68. Anonymous3:29 PM

    I just love everything!! I'd start with several items for a page and then use a sketch, don't forget to ink it and I have something great to last forever all because of you guys. My one thing "is" SCRAPBOOK GENERATIONS.

    Christine Rantz

  69. my favorite thing is that when I am out of ideas there are ALWAYS great ideas and tips on how to do great lay-outs. Thanks for all of your hard work. Stephenie

  70. I love being able to spend time 'playing' with friends with your great sketches!

  71. Jean in CT11:55 PM

    I think the first thing that comes to mind is that SG seems like one big happy family!! It's so refreshing to come to your website for some design inspiration and see how you are truly proud of each other...it's a happy blog :D

    Since I'm too far to crop with you, I love getting the monthly kits. We formed our own crop based around your page kits with a group of CT/NY scrappers.

    Thanks for the inspiration!

    Jean in CT


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