• keeping you informed

Sunday, November 14, 2010

It's time to get your spring retreat dates selected!
On Wednesday, Dec. 1, registration opens for our two spring retreats, held the weekends of March 11-13 and March 18-20 in Branson. We are doing things differently than in the past. Instead of giving past attendees a month's head-start in the registration process, this time we are opening up registration for everyone at 10 am on December 1.

Since both fall retreats were sold-out events, it would be a good idea to get with your retreat buddies and decide which weekend you want to attend. With this "shot-gun start," we're expecting that both retreats will sell-out quickly. To register, you'll need to pay a $50 non-refundable deposit.

To provide more information to those of you who have never attended a Scrapbook Generation retreat, I've added a new feature to this blog. I'm in the process of creating a series of 10 stand-alone pages that you can access on the right sidebar. Right now, three of them are functional, including the link to a page about our retreats. Simply find the box on the right of this page that is titled "check out these pages for tons of helpful information." Next, click on "Scrapbook Generation Retreats" for information about fees, activities, classes, meals, prizes, contests, and more. If you still have unanswered questions after reading this page, don't hesitate to give us a call at 417-886-0440!

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