• keeping you informed

Monday, November 29, 2010

Join us for BasicGrey "Origins" layouts "play date" classes this Friday!
• Friday, December 3 (set your own start time!)
• Friday, December 17 (set your own start time!)
Make three layouts -- one 2-page layout and two 1-page layouts!
• This is being offered as a new type of class. We're partnering with BasicGrey for what we're calling "play date" classes. These classes feature BasicGrey project kits that include 12x12 color photos and easy-to-follow directions. "Play date" classes don't have an official instructor or a set time period. You are free to set your own class time and length!
• What we do: Make the model for the class, have it on display in the classroom, and have a staff member ready and willing to help you with any questions.
• What you do:  Register and pre-pay the $20 fee. Arrive any time after 10 am, alone or with a few buddies, to work on the projects at your own pace. (Class time is over at regular store closing times.)
• Are kits available? Yes!

1 comment:

  1. Penny Peck2:56 PM

    Love the updated blog and special events side bar!


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