• keeping you informed

Thursday, November 18, 2010

We have a winner!
On November 2, we asked the following question.

"We've just announced that we're moving to a new location that will give us an additional 2,000 square feet of space. What could we do with this extra space that will make Scrapbook Generation the "perfect" scrapbooking store, in your eyes?"

The random winner of a $50 prize package is...
"I too think an area where all the latest and greatest is on display and a project or 2 showing how to use the new stuff--make and take. I need to "do" to learn, so this would help me a lot."  -- Merri Lynn

We have enjoyed reading your ideas about what to do with all that extra room! There were some really good ideas, and some were even things we've already talked about doing as time and finances permit.

As the month of November slips away and January 1 is rapidly approaching, you can imagine how eager we are to get started creating the new home of Scrapbook Generation. One change will be our color scheme. I've loved our red, yellow and green combo (which came about because of a long-ago shopping trip at Target where a collection of metal items caught my eye!). You've seen part of this change in the new logo Stacey created for our Facebook page. Blue has joined us...the carpet and tile in the new building are blue, so we decided to embrace this extra color instead of fighting it!

Earlier, we had decided to have a family contest to design a new store logo, and the rest of us didn't even get our "entries" started, because Allison brought in several and we loved them all! The four of us chose our favorite, and later that day, the new logo was on its way to Notions Marketing, the nation's largest craft distributor, which is featuring our sketch books on the cover of its latest catalog! You'll get your first peek at the new SG logo just as soon as the new website Stacey has fixed for us goes live in the next few days.

Anyway, I'm writing this late at night because I'm starting to think about the move to the new building when I should be sleeping! Where to put everything. How to paint everything. What new fixtures to order. What new products to purchase. And most importantly, WHEN will all this happen! Stacey and Allison spent the day today trying to organize and box up some of the massive amount of "stuff" that we have accumulated from retreats and Paloozas and other events. And so many of you have offered to help us move. Such a nice thing to do! The best thing...no matter who is doing the moving, we don't have to go far!

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