• keeping you informed

Monday, January 03, 2011

Please stop by on Tuesday!
Incredibly, the new place is going to look much more together than I had originally thought, since we only had four days to make the move. When the UPS guy made a delivery today, he kept saying "wow" over and over and over. I'm taking that as a good sign!

Right now, we're working to get everything off the floors and in a spot of its own. What has been so great is how the new fixtures we purchased have fit in so well with what we already had.

What will be completed...
• All the merchandise has been moved and the displays are up and mostly filled.
• The cash registers will be up and running (we think!) Did I mention that we'll have four of them now? Of course, most of the time we only need one or two, but based on running three at our sixth birthday celebration last November, we decided it would be wise to be able to have four checkout spots.
• January monthly kit clubs will be ready to be picked up.
• Volume seven of Sketches for Scrapbooking and volume two of Sketches for Cardmaking will be ready to purchase.

What won't be completed...
• The current lighting system just isn't bright enough for matching paper and other items, but our new system is not going to be in place when we open tomorrow. We know we need brighter lights, but we had Jeremy busy every minute from 7 in the morning until 10 at night each day hanging slatwall and wiring the cash registers. The lighting was one thing that could wait just a bit.
• The classroom is painted and ready for use, but it won't be decorated with all those little finishing touches we want to add.
• The lobby will continue to be a work in progress. It has lots of possibilities!
• The second office isn't completed. We need to add a wall in the lobby area to enclose a space for this room.
• We're working on a way to display lots of layouts around the perimeter of the store, above the merchandise.

I hope you can stop by on Tuesday. I remember the day we opened in the original store. Everyone who walked in was a stranger to us. This time around, so many of you are no longer anonymous shoppers, but people who have become our friends. That makes it so much different, and so much more special.


  1. Sure wish we didn't have to go back to school tomorrow, I'd LOVE to swing by on your '1st day'!! :) Best Wishes! Can't wait to see the store and hopefully make time for some classes!

  2. Penny Peck4:03 PM


  3. Although you feel the store isn't complete, I thought it looked great! I'm so glad I got to stop by on opening day.


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