• keeping you informed

Wednesday, January 05, 2011

Tammy Roberts' class for January...

This layout features stamping, inking, decorative borders, hand cutting & stitching (machine and hand).
There is not a lot of layering on top of the photo but, if you have a 4X6 picture in mind, Tammy suggests bringing it to class. It just helps line everything up... there is a photo matte under the picture, so it is okay if you don't have one ready for class.

With Valentine's Day just around the corner... Tammy is providing a bonus project, a vintage Valentine card in unique colors.

I Heart You Layout and bonus card
• Tuesday, January 11 at 10 am or Thursday, January 27 at 6 pm (the print newsletter had this time listed incorrectly)

• Instructor: Tammy Roberts
• Fee: $15

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