• keeping you informed

Friday, February 04, 2011

Employee of the month!
Karin wins SG's award for holding down the fort by herself the past couple of days, and for actually getting the February club kits shipped today...on time, despite the nasty weather! She said she made it to the post office with about five minutes to spare, then her 10-minute drive home turned into an hour-and-a-half journey since it started to snow again and several of the roads became one-lane messes.

We will see you at SG on Saturday for the Super-Saver sessions, and will be open from 10-5, but please don't venture out if you have any concerns at all about your safety. We can easily make a kit for you!


  1. Great job, Karin. Thanks for getting the Feb kits in the mail. I can't wait to see it!



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