• keeping you informed

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Sketch Support blog hop going on now!
I'll have to admit that, of course, I had heard of blog hops, but had never participated in one until today. As of right now, I am a blog hopper! Sketch Support, SG's popular new website created and hosted by Allison Davis, is hosting a blog hop this weekend that takes you to the blogs of all 14 Sketch Support Creative Team members. This is a great chance to see 14 different takes on the same sketch (which is also downloadable for your own use) and to win some cool prizes for commenting.

The team members are so talented! Please take the time to visit and see for yourself how much fun and inspiration Sketch Support can provide.


  1. I love checking out "THE GIRLS" of sketch support blogs all the time!! They are ALL so creative and inspiring!!! But I never "traveled" to all of them in one day!! I went from Missouri to Oklahoma to Holland etc... all from my couch in Buffalo, NY!!!
    By the way I went to a 12hr crop on Sat and my niece and I each got over 15- 2 page layouts done, all from your and Allison's sketch books!! PLUS all the ladies were admiring the books too!! We must have repeated "there from Scrapbook Generation's" and the responce was pretty much the same"Ohh I'm gonna have to check them out!!" My niece laughed and said we probably could have got more done if we would have put away the sketch books!! LOL I told her next crop we will have to make a sign with your info on it!!

  2. Lisa, we love to hear that! That has been the amazing thing about the books -- our promotion of them (other than CHA last summer) has been pretty low-key -- it's almost all word of mouth (and computers and message boards!)

    I can't tell you how much we appreciate you and all the other "ambassadors" we have out there who help spread the word! -- Debbie

  3. Debbie-
    No problem,I figure the more popular your sketch books get the better chance we all have of you and Allison producing more Volumes!! So its a win, win :)

  4. Debbie-
    No problem! I figure the more popular your sketch books become the better chance the rest of us have that you and Allison will produce more Volumes!! So its really a win, win :) Lisa

  5. Well I've hopped and I've hopped til I finally got through them all. What a journey. I really enjoyed meeting them all and adding to blogs to follow. I know Amy has been a little stressed lately in getting things done because of other things going on in her busy routine but I am very proud of her and Sketch Support. It has turned out very good and I like the fact that they are adding cards too. I love all the different takes from one sketch. Allison's life is probably even more crazy but she has done a wonderful job and I'm surprised a little by how fast news has traveled and the places they are going. But why not, I say bring it on and let them flourish.

  6. I really enjoy seeing Amy's pages! It's fun that there are some outstanding local gals involved in SS. -- Debbie


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