• keeping you informed

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Good thing I have job security!
Another newsletter, another mistake (or two). As a 25-year newspaper and yearbook adviser who also spent 10 of those years as a school district public information director, much of my life has been spent proofreading. I used to be pretty good at it. Now, not so much! I let a couple of mistakes slip through in the April and May print newsletter that most of you received yesterday.

• National Scrapbooking Day on May 7: the Super-Saver times are correct on the calendar, but in the front-page story, I listed two sets of times, one of which is incorrect. The right times are 10, 11:30, 1, and 2:30.

• Kristi VanDoren's May card class: This class is offered on Saturday, May 14 and Tuesday, May 17. The correct price is $20.

• Candy Colwell's April class, the vintage bunny box: This class is going to start at noon instead of 10 am. That way, you won't have to stop for lunch!

Tammy Tutterow classes...
Obviously, having Tammy back in April as a guest teacher is a popular idea. From the amount of calls and sign-ups we received yesterday for her two classes, they will fill quickly, even with our larger classroom. If you want to attend, I'd advise getting registered as soon as possible.

Update on our grand re-opening activities...
The Super-Saver sessions are almost full for April 2! Of the 160 spots, we have less than 10 left, and they are all in the 3 pm time slot. Of course, there are lots of other great activities during the day, but if you want to attend the Super-Saver, please act quickly.

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