• keeping you informed

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Fun activities ahead at SG...
• "Tim Holtz Distress Inks" free class with Candy Colwell
Thursday, April 14
Join us at 6 pm this Thursday, April 14 as vintage expert Candy Colwell shows you how to transform anything, no matter how new, into a vintage treasure. Candy will demonstrate the many ways to use the popular Distress Inks by Tim Holtz. Following the demo, you'll be able to have "play time" with the inks. You won't make a specific project, just play and learn. In addition, Candy has an extensive hand-out of distress ink techniques that she'll share with those of you who attend the demonstration.
• Studio G "No Frills" crop
Saturday, April 23
Mark your calendar for Saturday, April 23 for our second all-day Saturday crop in our new classroom. We had a full house of 26 people for the first crop! The fee for the seven hours of cropping is $5, and you get 10% off your purchases. Bring your own snacks and drinks, and bring a lunch, go out for lunch, or feel free to order in sandwiches or pizza.

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