• keeping you informed

Friday, April 15, 2011

Living a charmed life!
I'll have to say that the interest in Scrapbook Generation on a national scale just has us smiling constantly. For quite some time now, the chatter on a couple of message boards has been steady and strong, and in addition to being flattering beyond words, it's also been an enormous lift to our business. We're packing and shipping on a daily basis!

Our series of sketch books, and most recently, our Super Sketch Club, are almost constantly being inquired about, critiqued, and recommended. We're so fortunate that the scrapbookers on these sites have been so complimentary and helpful to others who have questions about SG products.

And that's not all!

For the past few weeks, people on Two Peas in a Bucket have been talking about making a road trip to the June Scrap-a-Palooza. Many of them have already purchased tickets! We're checking into getting a good hotel rate for them, and we're in the planning stages of putting together a special event on the Friday night before Palooza, so they can meet each other and also get to check out SG.

Now, the gals on the Willow Traders message board are starting to chatter about making a trip to one of our fall retreats in Branson! If they decide to join us, we'll do the same -- plan a special pre-retreat event here at SG to welcome them to the Ozarks! (Willow Traders started off as a message board devoted to kits, but they also discuss general scrapbooking topics. I spoke to the owner of the site this week, and learned a little more about what the message board is all about!)

Anyway, we can't say enough nice things about all the people at both places who sing our praises. That's the best publicity in the world, and can't be purchased at any price.

1 comment:

  1. i know of a group of ladies making the trip to
    scrap-a-paloza in june from the North Kansas City area. They are so excited! if i lived closer i would make the trip with them!


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