• keeping you informed

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Helping Joplin...
As most of you know by now, the death toll from the Joplin tornado has risen to 116, with hundreds more injured and much of the city destroyed or disabled.

Our Scrap-a-Palooza partners, Chris Louzader and Midwest Family Broadcasting, are leading an effort to get much-needed supplies to the area. From 7 -7 today in their parking lot, which is across the street from us in the Food 4 Less shopping center at 319 E Battlefield, they will be "stuffing a truck."

Prime Inc. has volunteered a semi for the effort, and when it is full, it will be driven to the Forrest Park Baptist Church in Joplin, a large shelter and distribution spot.

The items they are accepting are the following:
• diapers
• wipes
• new clothes
• hygiene and toiletry items
• non perishable food
• bottled water
• socks and shoes

Please help if you can.


  1. This is such an amazing thing that you all are doing. I live in Illinois, but know many people in the Joplin area. Fortunately they were spared, but my heart goes out to those who lost so much. I wish I was closer so I could bring items to stuff that truck, but I made a monetary donation to the Red Cross through a local source where I live. Prayers to all.

  2. Thanks, Jennifer. I know they are grateful for all help. -- Debbie


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