• keeping you informed

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Super Sketch Club announcement...
All of the Super Sketch Club kits for May shipped today. We had them ready on Friday, but there was such a downpour going on that we decided it would be best to not chance getting anything wet.

 The past few months, this club has been undergoing phenomenal changes...with membership increasing over 25% in the last 30 days alone. We're trying to anticipate the additional number of new members each month when we order the materials, but it's getting a little crazy!

If you are a Super Sketch Club member, you should be getting a brown box from us sometime soon. We hope you enjoy it, and we're already started on the June projects!


  1. That is great news!!! I can't wait to get it. Thanks for all of your hard work and wonderful customer service.


  2. Lindz N.3:13 PM

    Is it also possible for you guys to post on your Blog when you ship the Monthly Kit Clubs? Thanks!!!

  3. I agree with Candie! Glad to know my brown box is on it's way! Thanks so much to all of you!

  4. Michele Mc11:51 PM

    This is my first kit from SG (or anyone for that matter), and I can barely contain my excitement! :)


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