• keeping you informed

Friday, June 10, 2011

Double treat today!

Karin and I had a double treat today when Bill and Lisa Lyons stopped by SG. It was so nice to see them! I've talked about them here before -- they are missionaries, and were living in Japan when the earthquake hit a few months ago and the nuclear power plants were in serious trouble. They've been back in the states for the wedding of one of their sons, and stopped by to pick up some kits and say hello before heading back to Japan.

They brought us Japanese chocolate! Kit Kats to be exact. And I'll have to say, the USA is seriously behind in the Kit Kat flavor business. How about these flavors: raspberry framboise, anin dofu, custard pudding, koi kianko, sweet potato, strawberry cheescake, wasabi, soy sauce, wheat cookies, cheese, blueberry cheesecake, cafe latte, sparkling strawberry, lemon zest, sakura green tea, bitter almond, okinawa brown sugar, caramel pudding, and fruit juice!

Bill and Lisa had just left when a second set of good friends walked in, so we had a Kit Kat taste test party! Bill and Lisa had numbered the backs of the candy so we would know what we were eating, so we searched for the soy sauce one, opened it, sampled it, looked at each other, and decided it tasted quite fruity. Then we had to laugh when it turned out that we had two sets of numbers and we had just tried blueberry cheesecake, not soy sauce. We did manage to find the soy sauce Kit Kat, and three of the four of us thought it was delicious -- almost had a mocha flavor!

Anyway, a big thanks to Bill and Lisa for the visit and gift. Ever since we've known her through SG, Lisa has traveled through their missionary work, and we've shipped her monthly kits wherever she's gone. Sounds like we'll keep shipping them to Japan for at least another year!

1 comment:

  1. Too funny soy sauce is the one that jumped out at me to try! You'll have to save me one! LOL


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