• keeping you informed

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

'Nikki Sivils, Scrapbooker' Day is rapidly approaching...
Now that all the craziness of Scrap-a-Palooza has passed, we're ready to turn our attention to the next fun activity here at SG. Twice a year, we're honored to host Nikki Sivils, Scrapbooker World Premiere Day.

The real person behind this fun company is as sweet and adorable as the papers she designs, so it's a pleasure to showcase two of her latest collections here at SG before the rest of the world gets to see them at the Summer CHA in Chicago later in July! We have a full day of activities planned in honor of this Springfield-based company.

We're designing a mini-version of our Super-Saver activities for Saturday, July 9. We'll be using her new "School is Cool" collection to create two double-page layouts, and the bright colors will work for boys or girls. (We'll post photos of the layouts as soon as possible.)

We'll also have several of Nikki's other collections available, and all of her products will be 20% off!

The fee for the mini-Super-Saver activity is $6. Call 417-886-0440 to register and pre-pay for sessions at 10, 12:30, or 2:30. As an added bonus, you'll get two punches on your Studio G Reward Card instead of the regular one punch. (If you would like a kit, the fee is $7.)

Nikki's team will teach several free mini-classes all day long, and we'll have drawings for some great door prizes donated by Nikki Sivils and by Scrapbook Generation. And of course, it wouldn't be a festive day without one of SG's famous snack buffets and our delicious gourmet mini-cupcakes!

Sketch books will be here at SG on Friday!
Don't forget that we are still taking pre-orders for volume 8 of Sketches for Scrapbooking and volume 1 of Sketches for Scrapbooking: One-Page Sketches. If you are local, you can pick your books up starting on Friday, July 1. If we are shipping to you, the books will go out on Tuesday, July 5.

Click here to pre-order both sketch books!

Closed on Fourth of July...
Please don't forget that we have decided to be closed on Monday, July 4. We're going to enjoy the day with our family, and hope you do the same! See you on Tuesday.

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