• keeping you informed

Wednesday, June 01, 2011

Tammy Roberts' classes...
We've had several people ask why there are no Tammy Roberts' classes on our June and July schedule, so I thought I would let you know why. When I checked with Tammy about June and July classes a few weeks ago, she told me that she wanted to have more time for her family, and who can blame her. If memory serves, she used the word "hectic!" And as far as I'm concerned, the summer months are way too short to be doing anything that resembles work if you don't have to, especially when you have children at home!

Anyway, we remain huge fans of Tammy's shabby chic creations. Really, I can't imagine anyone doing it better than she does. Not everyone can take dozens of tiny items and make the kinds of layouts and mini-albums she designs.

When summer is over, we'll check back with her about classes this fall, and cross our fingers that she says "yes." In the meantime, I suggest you check out her beautiful blog (there's a link at right) for weekly inspiration, and we'll keep displaying her projects here in the store for you to ooh and aah over.


  1. The newsletter I got said she's coming the weekend of July 29th for two classes, has that changed?

  2. Guest teacher Tammy Tutterow will be here in July. Two totally different people! -- Debbie

  3. OH!!! Sorry, brain cramp!! =)

  4. No problem Erica...you're definitely not the first one to get our two Tammys mixed up! -- Debbie


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