• keeping you informed

Sunday, August 21, 2011

September CK loves Springfield scrapbookers!
If you haven't seen the September issue of Creating Keepsakes yet, you really need to check it out, because the Springfield area talent is well represented. Lexi Bridges, Christina Hoffman, and Allison Davis all have layouts in this issue! We're glad that outstanding scrapbookers in this area are being showcased -- and it's so fun to see them all in the same issue.

And there's another reason we're excited about this issue. From now on, CK will be giving credit in the supply list to Scrapbook Generation sketches. For example, Christina's supply list includes "Sketch: Allison Davis." We're hoping that this will bring our sketches to the attention of a whole new set of scrapbookers!

Page 73 -- Layout by Lexi Bridges

Page 36: Layout by Christina Hoffman

Page 26: Layout by Allison Davis


  1. Penny Peck9:06 AM

    Welcome back from Alaska Debbie. And wohoo on our three locals having their crativity show cased and mentioning SG. I was starting to get concerned that you gals didn't have enough to do already! Ha! Glad you took some "me" time!!

  2. Awesome! That is so great.


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