• keeping you informed

Thursday, September 29, 2011

'Card Party' sneak peek, part two...

After a sell-out crowd of 24 people last month, SG's new Card Party class continues with the same concept...three teachers, three cards, three tags, three stations, and three totally different approaches to cardmaking.

Today, we're showing you the card and tag that will be taught by Katrina Hunt. This is one-third of the projects you'll be making in the class. Katrina's card is made using a variety of punches (including an around the page punch!) and stamps.

This Card Party class takes place Thursday, October 13 at 6 pm. The fee is $15. To sign up, call 417-886-0440. (The class sold-out early last month, so if you want to enroll, I'd advise doing it quickly!)

On Friday, we'll show you Stacey Atchley's card and tag.

All final retreat payments due...
Just a reminder that if you are attending one of SG's fall retreats in Branson, your final payment of fees was due Sept. 21 for the first weekend and Sept. 28 for the second weekend, unless you had made other payment arrangements with us. Thanks for taking care of this!

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