• keeping you informed

Saturday, October 29, 2011

More Halloween kits available!

Sophisticated Halloween add-on: Two double-page layout kit with sketches and color photos. $16 (free shipping for Super Sketch Club members; $2.99 shipping for non-members)

 Great news! We had to cut off orders of the Sophisticated Halloween add-on for Super Sketch Club members because two packs of one of the papers we had ordered didn't come in. The missing paper packs have been located, and we're happy to announce that we have a limited supply -- 40 more -- of the Sophisticated Halloween double-layout kit shown below. Since several of you have inquired about the kits, we're going to re-open sales.

To go out with your Super Sketch Club shipment in November, orders for these page kits must be placed by 7 pm (central time) on Wednesday, November 16. (However, the kits sold out last time well before the deadline.)

Orders may be placed in two ways:
• send an email to orders@scrapbookgeneration.com
• call 417-886-0440

We've also had several Super Sketch club members contact us who didn't see the kits the first time we announced them. To see any future add-ons, please check these three places. They are the best ways to know everything we know, just as soon as we know it!
• here on the blog (best place for all SG news);
• on our Facebook page (link at right so you can "like" us and access our page);
• sign up for our email newsletters (by sending an email to debbie@scrapbookgeneration.com). 

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