• keeping you informed

Tuesday, October 04, 2011

New club information...
Finally! We've added a page here on the blog that explains all details about our monthly kit clubs. By clicking on the "Monthly kit clubs" link on the right sidebar, you can read club descriptions, see prices, and also see photos of each kit for the past three months.

With the increase in popularity of the Super Sketch Club, we've also seen an increase in our five original clubs. Hope you can take the time to check them out. There might be one that is perfect for you!

To make things easier, there is also a link with each club if you decide you want to enroll. It will take you directly to our online store. If you don't like to order online, we're always happy to take orders over the phone -- 417-886-0440.

1 comment:

  1. Can't find the link to your clubs...help.


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