• keeping you informed

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Sleepless nights, Disney, and more

I don't know what you all do when you can't sleep, but lately I've been messing around with the blog. About midnight last night when I was trying out some new combinations, I accidentally hit the wrong button and lost the old look, so it seemed like the time to try something new. Hope you like it! It's not finished yet, but it's getting there.

And changing the subject...wow! We've had phenomenal success with our Halloween add-on kits for Super Sketch Club members (and anyone else who is interested). Within ten minutes of the layouts going up here on the blog, on Facebook, and in an email newsletter, the orders had started pouring in. As a result, we'll probably do add-on kits (or items) every month. And this should make a few people happy...for November we'll be doing a Disney add-on! Be watching for several options, including some with multiple layouts. We'll try to do several different price points so that you can go as big or as economical as you want.

And changing the subject again...things are rather crazy for us right now. I'm behind schedule getting the class descriptions and photos sent out to those of you attending the retreats, and I apologize. We've always struggled with the old cliche of biting off more than we can chew, and right now, because of the family situation with my mother (and Karin's), we're pretty much at a point where we need to figure out how to add a few more hours to each day in order to get everything done. I hope that you all understand that we're working as fast as we possibly can at meeting our responsibilities, given the circumstances.

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