• keeping you informed

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Studio G Reward Card reminders...

As many of you know, when you attend our seventh birthday party "Super-Saver Scrapbooking" sessions on Saturday, November 5, you get not one, but two punches on your Studio G Reward Card. I thought that this would be a good time to review the reward card program with you, and the great benefits you can receive.

Here are the basics of the program.
• The first time you attend a Saturday free class in 2011 (and beyond), you'll receive the Studio G Reward Card.
• For every Saturday free class (Super-Saver, Debbie sketch, or Allison sketch) you attend, we'll punch your card one time.
• You'll have a chance to earn bonus punches at special activities throughout the year.
• It's all about attending! We define attending as participating in the class by working on your project in Studio G. Picking up a kit does not count. Your card will be punched following your participation in the class.
• The responsibility for keeping the Studio G Reward Card is all yours. If the card is lost or misplaced, we'll give you a new card, but any punches you had received will be lost as well.
• You must present the reward card to be punched on the day of the Saturday activity. We will not give punches at any other day or time.

Here are the reward possibilities.
15 punches:
• A $12.99 or $14.99 Scrapbook Generation page kit from our kit wall. (By the time the seventh birthday party takes place, we should have at least 10 new page kits for you to choose from.)

20 punches:
• A My Mind's Eye collection kit of double-sided papers and a die-cut sheet, choose from several styles, not just the one shown

25 punches:
• A $20 Scrapbook Generation gift card.

30 punches:
• A three-month subscription: Generation Page Kit Club or the Generation Card Kit Club.

40 punches:
• A three-month subscription: Boy Crazy, Girl Crazy, or Allison Davis Hall of Fame kit club.

50 punches:
• A We R Memory Keepers 12x12 3-ring binder album, in the color of your choice

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