• keeping you informed

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Let's talk retreats...

For a quarter of a century, I taught my journalism students to always start their news stories with the most important fact. So here it is. The four weekend retreats we already have scheduled for 2012 in Branson will be our last.

We always try to keep you informed about not only what we do, but also why. Here is the why.

We have to slow down a bit...
By far, the most difficult part of hosting our retreats is the physical labor involved. It takes a great deal of time and energy to gather the store items, pack them in boxes, load them in a trailer, unload them at the hotel, and arrange the items. Then when it's time to come home, you follow the same procedure -- in reverse! It takes at least a week before and a week after the retreats just to pack the store and then get everything back in place at SG. Sometimes longer.

Sometimes, we have help with the carrying and loading from the guys in our lives, but they aren't always available. As the oldest of the SG group by five years, I came to the realization after the recent fall retreats that I just can't keep lifting heavy boxes and not expect to pay the price.

In addition, although we truly have fun with the people in attendance, Karin and I don't get a great deal of sleep at the retreats, which isn't always time-related. It's just hard to wind down and actually get to sleep. By the time both weekends are over, usually one or both of us has been sick, and we're always worn out. It takes us days after each weekend to feel like we're back to "normal" again.

So appreciative of those who have attended over the years...
The retreats have always been extremely profitable and almost always are sell-outs. At the fall retreats last month, we had guests from Arkansas, Nebraska, Illinois, Tennessee, Ohio, Louisiana, Michigan, Oklahoma, and Texas, in addition to Missouri. We have "regulars" who have been to every retreat we've hosted, and we've also made some wonderful new friends along the way. Karin and I always talk about how nice the ladies are after each retreat. We somehow manage to get the cream of the crop, no pun intended!

I enjoy the atmosphere at retreats, and sometimes even get to scrapbook a little myself. But it's just too much, and I've finally admitted it. The bottom line is that I don't want to feel exhausted for eight weeks every year anymore, and I also don't want Karin and Stacey and Allison to feel that way either. And in being specific about the reasons we won't continue the retreats, I haven't meant to complain, but just to be truthful.

That said, Debbie Downer (Stacey and Allison's pet name for their beloved mother) is actually looking forward to our four final Branson retreats! We'll have fun themes, great food, cute classes, and plenty of room. We'll laugh too loud, eat too much, and stay up too late. We'll definitely go out with a bang!

Spring retreat registration...
We'll take registrations for the two spring retreats starting at 10 am on December 1. A non-refundable deposit of $50 will hold your spot. You can choose from the weekends of March 16-18 and March 23-25.

Expect a new option for 2013...
And you know us fairly well by now. You might be able to figure out that we probably have put our heads together and come up with a way that we can have a retreat-like experience here at SG, without having to move everything we own to a new location, which is by far our largest problem. A few months from now, expect to hear about the new spring, summer, and fall events we'll be hosting here at SG. We think you'll enjoy what we've come up with!


  1. Donna C7:11 PM

    I understand but BooHoo Boohoo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. Anonymous2:09 PM

    Totally understand why you wouldn't want to continue to do so. I'm sure you have Conference Centers near you. Our favorite is going to a hotel locally and being able to go to our hotel room whenever we need to relax from our scrapbooking. It doesn't have to be fancy...its more about coming together as a group.


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