• keeping you informed

Monday, November 14, 2011

Timeless Treasures class...

Timeless Treasures class with Debbie Sanders: offered Thursday, November 17 at 2 pm. Fee: $15 (Sorry, because of limited materials no kits are available.)
I wanted to let you know that the November "Timeless Treasures" will be the last one that I will be teaching. As you've noticed over the past few months, because our business is growing so rapidly we've had to alter our work and class load in a few ways in order to keep up, which in the scheme of things is a good problem to have.

It's with a great deal of regret that I finally decided that I need to give up this class. It's been a staple of our schedule for years, first as a series of Anna Griffin classes, then as ones I've designed myself. I have been horrible about not getting the samples done in time for the class to be adequately promoted, so I really should have passed off the duties long ago.

One reason I didn't look too hard for another teacher is because I enjoy our little group of third-Thursday-at-2 pm-regulars so much. Over the years, I feel like we have become good friends, and I have a real fondness for these ladies and what they bring to my life.

But sometimes things have a way of working out! Shirley Hall has agreed to take over the monthly Timeless Treasures class, and I think this will be a perfect fit. Shirley is retiring from her job within the next few weeks, and will start teaching Timeless Treasures with the December class.

Some of you will know Shirley's work through her participation in our Designers Challenge Club. She consistently brought in stunning items, and vintage and shabby chic are comfortable areas of creativity for her. Others of you will remember that Shirley is the mother of Tammy Tutterow, a nationally-known designer who has previously taught some weekend classes here at SG.

So welcome to Shirley as a new teacher at SG. And don't be surprised if I enroll in her December class!


  1. Thank you, Debbie. Hello, everyone! I am certainly looking forward to this. It is going to be hard to fill Debbie's shoes--but come join us! We are going to have fun!


  2. woohoooo! Sometimes change is a good thing! Debbie have fun growing your business and Shirley I can't wait to see your designs on here!


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