• keeping you informed

Monday, December 05, 2011

Debbie Sanders sketch layout for Saturday...

We're still feeling the Christmas spirit around here, and it's become a tradition that my December sketch is a Christmas layout. If you're like most of us, you won't have any trouble coming up with enough photos to fill these pages!

We'll be making the layout above in the Debbie Sanders free sketch sessions this Saturday. Your cost to make this layout? About $4. Can't beat that deal!

Just call us at 417-886-0440 to register for a session at 10 am or 2:30 pm on Saturday, December 10. Bring basic tools, and we'll provide you with a free computer sketch that you can use over and over!

And don't forget, we'll punch your Studio G Reward Card. Don't have one yet? No problem, we'll be happy to get you started on the way to earning some great rewards like free page kits, $20 gift cards, My Mind's Eye collection kits, We R Memory Keepers 12x12 albums, and more!

If you want a kit, the fee is $5, and is due at the time the request is made. 

Super Sketch Club members:
Yes, this layout and sketch will be included in your December kit!

1 comment:

  1. Love this! I'm so excited it's in the December Super Sketch Kit (since I live in another state and can't make the classes).


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