• keeping you informed

Friday, December 09, 2011

Stacey and Allison's grandfather...

Stacey and Allison have some hope now about their grandfather's recovery. At 88, he still seems to be pretty tough! He was able to open his eyes last night, and he's also had surgery on his leg, with no futher complications. They are hopeful that he will soon be able to be off the ventilator. He's still in intensive care and has a long way to go, but they are thrilled that he was able to communicate with them a little last evening. Thanks to all for the concern and prayers!


  1. Anonymous12:42 PM

    Yay!! I have the most wonderful memories of Ben (and Lois). He would come to the Eagles Nest and order Buffy Burgers or Buffy cones. They said that Buffy could always smell the Eagles Nest food scent on them and would become upset if they didn't have something for Buffy.

    I'm glad to hear that he is improving!!

    Traci Snavely-Critser

  2. Great news! Will continue to keep him in my prayers!

  3. Anonymous2:54 PM

    Great news--I will keep you all in my thoughts.

  4. Praise the Lord! I am so happy to hear this news. I will still pray and pray for a speedy recovery. Warm smiles ~ Janet

  5. Thanks for the update and glad to hear the news. Prayers for a fast recovery.

  6. I'm so glad to hear the good news. Hoping he recovers fully and quickly. ♥

  7. Saying a prayer for all of you!


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