• keeping you informed

Friday, February 10, 2012


With increasing frequency, when we post our club layouts and other kit layouts here on the blog and on Facebook, we are asked to name the paper collections we used. These requests come via personal emails, blog comments, Facebook posts, and on message boards.

I wanted to let you know that we have a new store policy about not naming the paper collections that we use for our projects. In the past, it was kind of hit or miss...sometimes I listed the paper brand, sometimes not. However, with the jump in popularity of our blog and our kits comes the realization that we need to make a more conscious effort to protect our work product.

We are so fortunate that so many of you purchase our kits. I hope that everyone understands that we're not ignoring these questions out of rudeness, but in a desire to protect our original designs as much as possible in the internet age.

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