• keeping you informed

Friday, February 24, 2012

The latest...

Super Sketch Club...
Unless the delivery guy freaks out when he sees the lobby piled full of boxes, all the Super Sketch Club packages will ship today!

VIP shipping program...
After lots of planning and research, Stacey has worked out all the details, and starting March 2, we'll be offering a new VIP shipping program geared to the people who get multiple shipments from us each month. The program is designed to save you money, combine your shipments, and simplify the process of ordering extra kits and items. Info pages have been sent in the Super Sketch Club boxes, and will also be in the first-of-the-month kits boxes. Later next week, we'll post all the details here on the blog.

March calendar...
The calendar for March has been added to the right sidebar. We'll still be adding in a Tammy Roberts class later, but everything else is pretty much set.

Card Party class...
The ladies attending the Card Party class last night really enjoyed the projects, and new teachers Lindsey Amschler and Amy Roller, along with returning teacher Katrina Hunt, really did a fantastic job. This class is moving to a permanent spot, so expect it to take place the second Thursday of each month from now on. We'll be posting photos of the March projects next week.

Nikki Sivils, Scrapbooker Day and National Scrapbooking Day...
We've decided to roll all the fun into one massive celebration! Mark Saturday, May 5 on your calendar, because we're going to combine our semi-annual celebration of local scrapbook company Nikki Sivils, Scrapbooker with our annual National Scrapbooking Day hoopla. We'll be sharing details over the next couple of months, but by now, you know the drill! Expect lots of activities, food, and fun.

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