• keeping you informed

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

New VIP shipping program...

Starting Friday, March 2, we're offering a new shipping program designed to save money for those of you who are in multiple SG clubs, place extra kit orders, and order sketches books. Here are the details...

Save. Combine. Simplify.
Combine all your monthly clubs and any extra items ordered into one monthly shipment.

What You Pay:
• $10 per month.  

• SHIPPING BONUS: If you are in the VIP Shipping Program and spend more than $125 a month, we’ll send your entire shipment for FREE!

What You Get:
• All your monthly clubs and anything else you choose to order shipped to you in one convenient shipment.

Why You Should Join:
• Save money. Depending on your monthly orders, you could be paying more than double the $10 VIP shipping program fee already.  EXAMPLE: if you are in the Super Sketch Club and any other monthly club, you are already paying nearly $12 in shipping...and that’s without any additional online or phone-in orders.
• Combine all your orders. You’ll no longer need to keep track of multiple orders. Let us put them all together so you’ll know exactly when to expect your SG goodies.
• Simplify your shipments and additional orders. You’ll be able to easily add kits, sketch books, and practically anything else by doing one of three things:
    1. Calling (417) 886-0440,
    2. Emailing stacey@scrapbookgeneration.com or
    3. By adding the coupon code “VIP Shipping” to any online order you place. You won’t be charged regular shipping, and we’ll automatically add the items to your monthly shipment. (You must call or email us to initially enroll in the VIP Shipping Program BEFORE you begin using the coupon code.)

How this new program works... 

• Participation is 100% optional, and geared towards people who are receiving multiple shipments each month. 
• If you DO NOT want to participate, then do nothing. Your shipments and billing will stay exactly the same as they are now.
• However, if you do wish to take advantage of this new shipping program,  get started by calling (417) 886-0440 or by emailing stacey@scrapbookgeneration.com. 
• Once you have signed up for VIP Shipping, we’ll take it from there!  Your monthly clubs will continue to bill on their scheduled days, but they will bill without the regular shipping charge. 
• The VIP shipping charge of $10 will bill separately on the first of each month. However, if you have spent more than $125 within the month, as an added bonus we won’t charge you shipping at all!  And yes, the monthly kits you are already in will count towards your $125 total each month. (To qualify for the free shipping bonus, all $125 worth of merchandise must ship to the same address.)
• If you stop the VIP Shipping program, you will return to the following regular shipping charges for all shipments:
EXTRA ITEMS w/club - $1.99
SPECIAL ORDERS - actual shipping cost

Automatic billing dates... 

• Super Sketch Club: 20th of each month
• Generation Page Club, Generation Card Club, Hall of Fame Page Club, Boy Crazy Page Club, Girl Crazy Page Club: 1st of each month
• Shipping Charge: 1st of each month (unless you qualify for FREE shipping)

Shipping dates and other information...
• Your merchandise will be collected from the 2nd of each month until the 1st of the following month. Those items will then ship within the first seven business days of each month.

• If you have provided an email address, you will receive a shipment confirmation email.
• This offer is only available to orders shipped within the United States.

Still have questions?
Email stacey@scrapbookgeneration.com or call (417) 886-0440.

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