• keeping you informed

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Seeking your opinions about shipping...

Stacey put this information on Facebook about an hour ago, and I'm going to share it here in hopes of reaching more people. Please leave comments here, or on her post on Facebook.
SHIPPING POLL: We are in the process of trying to come up with a shipping option that would not only allow you to combine all of your monthly kits, but would also let you add on any additional kits, sketch books, etc. all for a flat fee.

We love that so many of you are in multiple clubs, and are trying to find a solution that would make sense for all of us - one that would save you money, and us... time.

However, there is a possibility that to do this would mean NOT getting an individual shipping notification via email (you would know the exact shipping date each month via Facebook or our blog). I know it's nice to get the individual email, but to do so would substantially delay the day we would be able to ship each month. Thoughts?


  1. Lindsay N.6:15 PM

    I don't mind combining shipping at all! thanks for asking our opinion.

  2. kristy6:56 PM

    i would love to see them come priority mail in the box that about 7.95 i seem to get packages much fasyer this way

  3. I don't mind not receiving an email if I see the ship date on the blog or fb.

  4. As an international this is the norm already I believe and it's totally fine for me, never had any troubles with it. I would love change as I am hoping to add to my subs this year

  5. I would order the add on layouts if I could combine shipping and have them come at the same time as my monthly shipment.

  6. I don't mind that I would not be receiving a shipping notification, as long as I would be able to get the information if my package didn't show up. I think that you've been doing a fine job on FB and the blog letting us know when you are shipping kits, and really, that's all the notification I need.

  7. the cheaper the shipping the more I can buy!

  8. I would be more likely to add additional items if I could add them to my kit without paying an additional shipping fee. I would love to be able to add one of the other kit clubs to my super sketch club, and get them all at once.

  9. I also don't care about getting an individual shipping email. As a previous poster said, so long as if I didn't receive my package there was a way to get my individual info from you to follow-up with. . .you guys do a marvelous job of keeping us informed and everything always arrives as a lovely surprise every month!

  10. i don't care about the shipping email either. actually I don't get one. wonder if it goes into my junk mail box?

    easier process & lower shipping rates seem to be the best priority.

  11. ginger3:01 PM

    combining works for me! And can live without a notice, as I will know when they come each month.



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