• keeping you informed

Wednesday, May 02, 2012

Credit card club info...

First of all, thanks to those of you who are enrolled in our monthly kit clubs. As a family owned and operated business, it truly is appreciated.

As you know, credit card fraud has become a huge problem with people's numbers being compromised and stolen more and more these days. Thankfully, our point-of-sale software has always been very secure and pro-active in making sure your card numbers are safe. Our last update has been no exception, and while it has added an additional layer of security which is great for you, we are now unable to pull up your credit card number used for the billing of all clubs. This is a one-time situation, and once we get the number from you, it will be securely stored in the system again.

We realize that some of you have just recently given us a new card number, and we do apologize for the inconvenience. However, to be a merchant that is able to accept credit cards, we must be in compliance with PCI Security Council standards.

We have been able to contact hundreds of you by phone or email in order to get your card number back in our computer system. However, there are about 50 people that we still need card numbers for. The regular monthly billing for the five page and card kit clubs took place on May 1. If you notice that your card has not been charged as usual, you may be one of the people we need to talk to. Please call 417-886-0440 if you suspect that you need to provide us with your card number so that we can ship your kit, or have it ready to pick up here at SG.

Thanks for understanding, and for your continued business.

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