• keeping you informed

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Creating Keepsakes message board...

When I can't sleep, I usually turn the computer back on and read through the latest comments on several scrapbooking message boards. Imagine my surprise when I saw this on the Creating Keepsakes forum, plus several photos of the interior of SG.

Here's what our visitor had to say: "We made the trip to Scrapbook Generation today! :) It was AWESOME! It's like a huge LSS! Loved it!"

To make it even more fun, a few days before her visit she gave away a prize to the person who guessed correctly where she was going. It didn't take long for there to be a winner!

UPDATE: One of Heather's friends was kind enough to let us know that she was a finalist in the CK teen contest last year. That's a wonderful accomplishment! 


  1. That's my sweet little friend, Heather. Do you know that she was one of the finalists in last year's CK teen contest? She's a really talented young lady.

  2. Becca Rose9:45 AM

    I'd love to come for a visit!!!

  3. I can certainly understand her excitement. Visiting SG is SO on my Bucket List! Wooooo Hooooo!

  4. I had no idea Id actaully guess correctly where Heather was going when just the night before I was telling my Hubby how Id love to visit this amazing scrap store in Missouri and he cracked up laughing. Now mind you I live in NY, thats quite a long trip just for a visit to a scrappy store in his eyes, but TOTALLY worth it in mine! Someday.....

  5. I wish I had known about the store when I lived in Chicago! I would have made a trip down there.

  6. Wouldn't it be nice if we could go all the places we wanted to go and not worry about how long it took to get there or what it cost? Love to have you all visit someday. We've met the nicest people through scrapbooking and SG. It's been a real blessing in our lives. (And Gloann, thanks for giving us the info about Heather!) -- Debbie


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