• keeping you informed

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Catching up...

Weekend crops...
We're so happy with the response to our four weekend crops for 2013. When we left last night we had a little less than 20 spots left in the May 3-4 crop for 70 people, and about 7-8 spots left in each of the crops for June, September, and November.

That's a tremendous way to start the sign-up. For the National Scrapbooking Day crop in May, we have a great group of local gals, plus new friends we'll be making from Wisconsin, Minnesota, Iowa, Arkansas, Oklahoma, Kentucky, and yes, even Australia!

Store Improvements...
Yesterday afternoon, we met with our remodeling contractor -- AKA Stacey's husband Jeremy. He did a wonderful job getting everything fixed when we originally moved into the bigger space, and he works weekends without too much complaining! He's going to be adding slatwall in three different places in the store so that we'll have more display room.

We also think we figured out what new fixtures need to be purchased -- about 20 of them -- and where they will go. We're not going to crowd things, just replace some that aren't as functional as we would like, plus we're creating a new spot in the corner where the second cash register area is currently. All that "furniture" is going to the new warehouse and we think that area will make a great spot for cardmaking materials.

As I've said before, we simply don't have room to display all the products we receive. We have dozens of new collections just waiting for a spot, plus every single paper tray we own is in use. Going to have to order more of those, too!

1 comment:

  1. So excited for you and all the new improvements. So impressive that you have people traveling from all over the world to visit your store! I'm always talking you up here in California!!


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