• keeping you informed

Friday, April 19, 2013

New for SG: Online festivities for NSD!

To compete for prizes, you'll be commenting on this blog and providing a link to your project. We'll pick random winners from the entries. So that you can truly do your best work, you have Friday, Saturday, and Sunday to complete your layouts. Entries must be linked by midnight (CST) on Sunday.

In addition to the challenges listed above, we'll also be adding a two-day National Scrapbooking Day chat feature here on the blog. In addition to SG gals Allison, Stacey, Karin and Debbie chatting, we've also lined up some other chat hostesses who will keep things lively and fun for our long-distance scrapbooking friends. More details about who these great gals are, and the prizes they'll have to give away, on Monday!

And we haven't forgotten online shoppers for NSD!

Friday, May 3 and Saturday May 4
• special sales and offers (announced next week)
• each $25 in purchases earns one ticket for the drawing for one of five $100 gift baskets,
one each sponsored by My Mind's Eye, American Crafts, Echo Park, Fancy Pants, and
Simple Stories (we're giving away five $100 gift baskets for local customers and five $100 give baskets for online customers!)


  1. This might be the first year I actually participate in NSD! Excited about the chat too. I just you girls!

  2. Beth Campion3:07 PM

    Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! for including us long distance folks via the internet!

  3. Thank you for remembering your long distance friends !!!

  4. Thank you for remembering your long distance friends!!

  5. So excited!!! Thanks so much for thinking of us out of towers!! Can't wait to participate, and shop of course!!! The chat sounds like great fun! Now if only you could ship me home baked goodies from Stacey and Allison my weekend would be complete!!

  6. Wow! You are the best!

  7. Looks like fun, thank you!

  8. Looking forward to scrapping and chatting with the SG gals.

  9. Looking forward to scrapping and chatting with the SG gals.

  10. Wow! Looking forward to scrapping with the gals from SG!!


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