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Monday, May 06, 2013

My NSD project...

I'm pretty clever, and possibly a little sneaky! I made sure that my work assignment for our two-day NSD extravaganza had me "working" at the crop. So on Friday, I was able to spend a good part of the day scrapping, too.

And I was well-prepared. I'd seen a layout in the latest issue of Creating Keepsakes magazine that I was dying to scraplift. The layout is by Shelly Jaquet and is on page 46. She used a sunburst look, which many people have done, but I thought she used it with such a stunning two-page design that I wanted to try it myself. I added more "rays," and have a different photo and journaling arrangement, but the credit for the design idea goes to Shelly. I'm grateful for the inspiration...most fun page I've done for myself lately!

Several people asked how I made the page, so here are some basic instructions.
• I used two sheets of cardstock and drew a line across both pages about 5" from the bottom. The top 7" becomes the ray area.
• I marked a point 6" from the left side, on the line.
• I started around the edges and marked points where I wanted the rays to be, then used a yardstick to connect the 6" dot with each of the outer dots.
• Those two sheets of cardstock became my template. I cut out each ray, traced it on patterned paper, and then started assembling things. I started with the two corner pieces, because they have to be lined up perfectly. Ditto for the two bottom rays. After that, I started filling in with the other rays. I only had to trim a couple to fit.
• I also added baker's twine over the seams, and that was really easy to do. Just run a very fine line of liquid glue along the seam and lightly press the twine to it.

Also, the paper collection I used is Family Ties by Pebbles. I would probably place it in my Top 10 favorite lines ever! Love the colors, the patterns, the family theme, and the great assortment of embellishments and titles.

I'll probably be making several blog posts today. We've got lots of contest winners to announce, and other information, too. Right now, we have NSD-lag, and we're trying to catch up!


  1. Love this layout and this paper line!! Pebbles has been knocking it out of the park lately!


  2. I had an error, so don't know if the first one went through. Awesome page, love the patterns you used and such happy colors.

  3. Love this .....just might have to copy!

  4. This is simply stunning!! Love it!! I will definetely be trying this one!!
    Thanks for sharing!

  5. Debbie, I understand the NSD lag. I'm still recuperating too. I had a fantastic time and can't wait to do it again. Love your layout and can't wait to try it myself. Love this paper line and bought several more sheets of it.

  6. I made a sunburst type of layout before and they are not easy to line up. I love your addition of the bakers twine.

  7. Wow! You really rocked that. I had just a few minutes ago made me a template for a one-pager. Did the same thing as you've done, but so glad for the hints on putting it together.

  8. Ok, I have that CK because my library gets it. The other person did a nice job but I like yours so much more (and anyone that knows me knows I am so not a butt kisser. LOL)

  9. WOW!!!! This looks amazing! Pinned it and will try to lift it!!! Gorgeous!!! I have that CK and that layout did not stand out, but this one sure does!!

  10. I really love that LO! I am glad you posted how you did this. I plan to scraplift it!

  11. I've never done a sunburst LO before. I love this LO and plan to scraplift it, thanks so much for the instructions!

  12. TracyM #677311:41 PM

    LOVE LOVE LOVE your layout - thank you for the inspiration :)

  13. Gorgeous LO, I've been wanting to try a sunburst. Thanks for the instructions & tips!

  14. Thanks so much! I'll try to do something like this more often.



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