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Monday, August 19, 2013

Allison's popular '6x6 paper pad' class!

I'm having so much fun with Allison's "6x6 Paper Pad" class that I thought this would be a great chance to share a couple of layouts with you.

On an independent scrapbooking forum that is extremely friendly and supportive of SG, a group of -- at last count -- 59 ladies just started taking Allison's class...together! They've allowed me to join in the class, and it is a blast, to say the least.

Moderator Janet (cherrypicker) is leading the group. She's divided the lessons up so that last week, we worked with sketches one and two. This week, sketches three and four, and on like that until we finish. People can jump in any time and catch up as necessary!

So far, an unbelievable 96 layouts have been shared and posted by the class members. It has been a lot of firsts for some -- first time to make a layout using a sketch, first time to take an online class, first time to post a layout online! The camaraderie and encouragement has been fantastic. The other great thing is that we are all realizing that the sketches are easy to tweak to fit what each one of us wants to use as far as photos, paper, and journaling. It has been a delight to see that many variations of the same sketch, and how every person was able to make the design work to best display their memories.

My two layouts are shown above. I used the new Cut & Paste 6x6 paper pad by My Mind's Eye, plus some of the regular 12x12 papers and also embellishments.

I decided to use the class time to work through the baby book that my mother made for me. The photos are very small and won't come off the page without tearing, so I was able to scan the whole page, then go back and crop and enlarge the photos. I'm also able to scan and print her journaling, so her handwriting is included!

Thanks to Allison for creating such a useful, inspiring class (and I have it on good authority that she is working on new online classes that will be ready this fall)!

Thanks to Janet for being a wonderful class leader, and thanks to all the lovely ladies on ScrapNYap who are making this class such a treat!

For more information about the "6x6 Paper Pad" class by Allison Davis, click here.


  1. Hi there! I have this class,but would love to hear more about the group you mentioned. Where could I find it? Is it open to others?
    Thanks for sharing your layouts!

  2. Go to scrapnyap.com to apply for membership. It is a friendly, nice, no-drama forum! --Debbie

  3. This has been such a blast. So fun, so encouraging and SO productive too!

    Thanks to Allison for creating a super-super class. It is my all-time FAV and love the fact I can work thru this class again with fellow scrappers.

    The class is just $15, but for all the fun, inspiration, encourgement
    we have had in just Week One- it has been so worth more than that.

    Everyone is welcome. But like Debbie stated; no drama-lamas allowed. LOL!

    We just started week 2 so there is PLENTY of time to work on all of 11
    sketches Allison provides in the class.

    Be prepared to be inspired and truly see how each scrapper can make SG's sketches their own! Awesome stuff!

  4. Gorgeous work as always Debbie. Your layouts blow me away this round. I'm loving the class and think Allison needs to get cracking on some more so we can keep going. ;o)

  5. I'm having such a blasting with this class and the peeps over at forum.. You're all welcome to join us at anytime.. I highly recommend Alison's class as well as her Sketch support class if you are new to sketch.. she goes in great details on how to use the sketch and how to tweak it using your photos.. I can't wait for her new class she is working on now.. I'm so excited..

  6. I was invited to join scrapnyap when the CK forums shut down and am so happy that I did just that. I had purchased the 6x6 class a while before that and had done a couple of the lessons. But this is so much fun to do with Janet (cherrypicker) leading us and so many others joining in. Janet's enthusiasm is catching. And what beautiful LOs she does for examples for us. Loved yours, too, Debbie.


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