• keeping you informed

Thursday, August 08, 2013

Online store progress

If we had any doubts about the viability of our expanded online store, they're gone! The Simple Stories promotion from a couple of days ago was a huge success, as was the launch of the My Mind's Eye lines a couple of weeks ago.

We're still in our "old" online store, but each day, we're getting closer to the switch-over to the new site, and becoming more confident that the expansion was the right move for us.

The whole concept is that SG wants to be your local scrapbook store -- no matter where you live! The new customer loyalty program we've alluded to will do just that -- treat you to the same benefits our customers here in Springfield receive. We can't wait to tell you all the details, but the bottom line is that you will save money with each and every purchase you make with us online -- no hoops to jump through, no extra time necessary on your part. Just no-effort rewards! Every order.

Shipping costs are also a concern, and we'll be doing everything possible to continue to keep them as low as possible. The truth is that in addition to the "actual" costs of shipping, there are hidden costs, like boxes and packing materials. We'll do everything we can to keep shipping costs reasonable, and there will also be an option to qualify for free shipping.

In addition, we kept our promise to you during our ordering at CHA -- complete collections of everything, so that you have all the choices available to you in one spot!

And thanks for the positive response to SG's new downloadable "sketch magazine," with the first issue scheduled for January. As someone who has worked with publications all her life, I'm extremely excited about this. My entire adult life has been a blur of yearbook, newspaper, newsletter, brochure, and handbook design, and I'm so excited about the chance to design and edit this new publication. The possibilities are endless!

1 comment:

  1. Laura_J12:08 PM

    Can't wait for you to be my LSS! It sounds like you guys have wonderful things planned! :)


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